Helping leaders and their teams become People of Influence

2 min
24 Years of Morning Routines
I blame it on Aerobics Oz Style. I think I was about 15 when I started. At 6.30 or 7am (whatever time it aired on Channel Ten in the mid-nineties) I would get up and try to start the day right, by exercising before school. It was my first attempt at a ‘morning routine.’ I’d […]

2 min
A Note to Self in a Crazy World
In the last week, working from home has shifted overnight from being a ‘sometimes food’ to an ‘everyday food,’ many industries have been changed unrecognisably and indefinitely and the rest of us have developed an obsession with grocery shopping and budgeting. While we are moving through the 7 Stages of Grieving our ‘Old Normal’ life […]